Advanced coastal engineering for the protection of the coastal environment Rossella Maiorano (3 CFU)
Advanced topics in hydrology Ourania Tzoraki (3 CFU)
Air-Sea Interactions in a changing climate Giannetta Fusco (3 CFU)
An introduction to nonlinear problems in dynamics: from stability to chaos Federico Guarracino (3 CFU)
Applications of chaos theory to climate dynamics Stefano Pierini (3 CFU)
Basics of chaotic dynamics Enrico Zambianchi (3 CFU)
Climatic risk Pierpaolo Falco (3 CFU)
Coastal forms and processes in meso- and macro-tidal areas Francisco Javier Gracia-Prieto (3 CFU)
Coastal vulnerability characterization and adaptation strategies, with a focus on beach nourishment. Guido Benassai (3 CFU)
Composite materials for civil engineering: design issues Francesca Ceroni (3 CFU)
Cultural values and preservation of historic built heritage and landscape at risk Giuseppina Pugliano (3 CFU)
Environmental applications of remote sensing Giuseppe Aulicino (3 CFU)
Finite volume schemes for shallow water equations Luca Cozzolino (3 CFU)
Fundamentals of seismic risk for civil structures and mitigation techniques Nicola Caterino (3 CFU)
Geological hazard (with field activity) Gerardo Pappone & Pietro Aucelli (6 CFU)
Littoral processes and coastal risks Giorgio Anfuso (3 CFU)
Prevision and prediction of environmental phenomena: computational approach and artificial intelligence Raffaele Montella (3 CFU)
Research activities in marine geology carried out during oceanographic cruises Fabrizio Lirer, Sara Innangi & Renato Tonielli (3 CFU)
Scientific writing 1 – scientific papers tbd (3 CFU)
Scientific writing 2 – research projects tbd (3 CFU)
Seismic assessment of local mechanisms in historic masonry buildings/aggregates Claudia Casapulla (2 CFU)
Seismic response of rocking masonry structures: numerical approaches and anti-seismic devices Linda Giresini (3 CFU)
Wave propagation in visco-elastic media and local seismic amplification effects Luca De Sanctis (3 CFU)
Web GIS Giovanni Pugliano & Umberto Robustelli (6 CFU)